Monday, November 17, 2008

Final Post!


We are all really please with how we worked as a group and the overall quality of our promotional packages. I feel we have all improved our skills in many areas and so look forward to more challenging projects in the future.

Well done guys!

I second that one boys, well done chaps !


Final Storyboards:

Here are some samples of our storyboards. This method was really effective as this allowed us to discuss our ideas round a table and also this allowed us to get a really clear shot order and on what lyrics a shot should be seen. I would highly recommend this to other groups and will certainly use this method in future pre production planning!


Music Video and myspace


Here is the link to both our videos.....

Boy Interrupted- I Kissed a Boy
Max and Mike:

Liam and Matt:

Final Album Cover Design

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Updated Album cover and back, please respond

Possible Record Company Logo

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Possible Album Cover

Playing arounds on Photoshop I made this album cover. I think the red works really well and the blue and white text really stands out without being too dominating. I have also incorporated the 'key' image from our video but altered it so it appears different.

Possible images and edits for album cover or inlay etc

Experimenting with Images

I'll try uploading the rest when blogger allows me

Experimenting with Images

I used our key image of Liam from the shoot and experimented with it in order to see what effects worked with the image, please feedback. the rest of the images are on the next post as they would not all fit on

Album Cover Concept: Revolution (unfinished)

After discussing how the Album name might be, 'The New Administration', this immediately brought to mind revolution, and in turn revolutionary figures. I know that both Madonna and Coldplay have already played upon this with their own album using Che Guevara and the French revolution as shown in the images below:

Thus in turn thinking about other revolutionary figures came to mind especially, Lenin after seeing this bold image of Lenin that was taken during the peak of the Russian revolution. Not only does he look like a bold figure but he also appears as if he is leading a new frontier. This could then link to our artist being both contreversial and an anarchic figure and so I think the image below could be altered to link to Lenin while at the same time beingrelated to our artist, 'Boy, Interrupted', like in the sketch at the bottom.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Artist name:

After Liam's cracking idea of 'Boy Interrupted' and his reasoning for this, I thought i would jsut post some info to clarify it.....

Girl, Interrupted is a best-selling[1] 1993 memoir by American author Susanna Kaysen. In the book, Kaysen relates her experiences as a patient in a psychiatric hospital in the 1960s after being diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. The memoir's title is a reference to the Vermeer painting Girl Interrupted at her Music[2].

The plot of Girl, Interrupted does not follow a linear storyline, but instead the author provides personal stories through a series of non-chronological vignettes and personal reflections on why she was institutionalized.

In April 1967, 18-year-old Susanna Kaysen is admitted to McLean Hospital, in Belmont, Massachusetts, after attempting a half hearted suicide. She denies it was a suicide attempt to a psychiatrist who suggests she take time to regroup in McLean, a private mental hospital. Susanna is diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, and her stay extends 18 months[5].
The film is rated R by the MPAA, for strong language and content relating to drugs, sexuality, and suicide.


  • mental illness vs. conformity
  • hospitalization as treatment
  • treating the brain vs. the mind
  • freedom


Wednesday, October 1, 2008


username: a02litho
password: room430

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Now that we have hours of footage i think we're going to do a full edit with the 3 different performance styles on seperate video tracks. Then we can easily pick and choose which shots we like and begin to finish our edit. Always better to have more footage than needed than less footage i think!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

initial shot list

Guys just letting you know that i put an initial shot list on my individual blog and think it would help if you looked it over before we next meet.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Test shoot good things

Some good things from the test shoot we should try to recreate next weekend:
First shot - have the shot quite close in to begin with (MCU) and keep it in the corner. Possibly have this shot as a high angle as well to connote the vunerability of the character
Master Shot (performance) - lower angle and tighter framing. In the test we liked how close the lights appeared in the shot. We also like the way I move in really close to the camera and have my eyes filling up quite a lot of the frame.
Liam on knees - We liked it alot when i went on my knees and still adressed the camera in a distressed way. We think we should shoot this seperately in order to focus on it and get it just right!
Low level (camera on floor) - place the camera slightly higher, on a book or something, so that when i bend down my eyes are near the centre of the frame

Monday, September 22, 2008

meeting: 22/9/08

group meeting today:
after looking at the captured footage today. it is apparent that we need to sort out a few things in the editing suite as a group.

  • we should do a complete edit of the footage we have and see what we have and what we still need.
  • we should look at what gestures and action codes liam did so well on the test shoot, and make sur we put these on the reshoot list for next weekends shoot!

i expect to see you all 2moro in the media block!


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Nightvision effect and more

So lads, i know that Liam had a good idea about shooting in nightvision and cuttin itop it or in between. I've been playing in Afeter FX again and think we could do it in post possibly. I've also done some colouisation effects to some more footage from prison break. It can make it look more cinematic, and possibly more proffessional. Have a look at my blog, and see what you think of it. It's definitely worth experimenting with some of them with our footage in my opinion.


Flash Effects for the Video.

So guys as we want to create white flashes etc in the video, i have done some research and played around with After Effects. We could do a number of effects that would look good. I've uploaded a video to my blog testing them with some footage from prison break. Have a look and comment on the ones you like.


Friday, September 19, 2008

New title for group -LXIX

Shooting wnet really well on thursday and during the filming myself and Liam discussed the possiblility of renaming the artist from HRH to LXIX (69 in roman numerals). This idea came from one of the tattoos that we drew upon Liam. Not only is it quite a risque title, but also its quite clever due to the fact it isn't obvious. please comment with any ideas



Just thought i would let the group now that i have captured all of our footage from thursday, and that there is now a performance bed put down in our project.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

BLK feedback

Mike i like this idea, the tattoos will work well for shock value as much as anything.

Liam good idea on smashing things up and the inner turmoil thing, how do you get hold of the sugar glass though? let me know if you need help with that.

have just thought - we MAY have an old tv you could smash up. what do you think??

max i think the room will work really well, the more blank the canvas is the better, i reckon.

matt i didn't get a chance to hear those shot ideas you had - make sure you run them by me before you head off on thursday

btw i think you need to shave some lines in one of liam's eyebrows (i was thinking of an eyebrow piercing so you're getting off lightly with shaving instead - angelie's idea) also i think you should get some shades - wrap arounds or similar for some of the shots - could add a bit of variety!

and . . i don't think you can get away without ANY boy kissing, soz but your audience will expect it. don't freak. it could be very abstract.

hope you all had a wicked day today - it was very quiet without you all

try and enjoy thursday, don't get too stressed (matt). liam the feedback on the test footage so far has been quite exceptional - your performance is considered to be utterly credible and very real, so whatever you're doing you're doing it EXACTLY how it should be done, so just go for it.

good luck on thursday everyone

Topless shots?

was thinking today that perhaps we should have at least one topless shot of Liam in video might work to show off some of the better tattoos as well as to go with the whole homoerotic theme. He could even rip off the t-shirt in one of his fits of rage (like when he's breaking stuff with the bat). please comment back as i'm curious to know what the rest of the group think?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Logo Ideas and thoughts on Graffiti in the video

Had a go at creating a possible Graffiti logo for the artist using the website With this first idea I thought about the aggression in the song so I thought that orange would be a good colour to use. I used black and white with this to reflect the monochrome look of the video, and with the other bright colours this logo looks quite punk-ish.

This was my second idea, for the logo. The slightly more feminine colours brings out the slightly more homosexual aspects of the song and of the artist image. At the same time the black background makes the pink and red much bolder and eyecatching, while the red really connotes aggression.

Baseball bat

At the moment we think that the main character in the video should be very violent and destructive, and we think his weapon of choice should be a baseball bat. We think he should use this as a prop throughout, smashing up the room as well as glass bottles and possibly even cars outside on the street.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Get a baseball bat and film me destorying coffee tables and hitting books and possibly even a car
We also thought we should get some sugar glass in the shape of a bottle and smash that as it would reflect the troubled mind of the main character aswell as showing his inner turmoil and violent tendancies.

Also we think we should make it look as if I am naked with really tight shots of my thighs and lower stomach.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


The group have decided we'll shoot at my house, as it is bigger and should allow more creativity with the camera work and angles etc.

Also the white centre-piece on the wall really works. In terms of performance this would be a perfect background for him to be in front of. And we could highlight this in the background. Almost like he is performing outside of the video's 'set'. Like an EPLIOGUE we get a more personal experience with the artist and what he is saying.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

performance shoot on sunday

here is my room, we shud be ble to take the stuff out, it wud take a bit of time though and it could work as the blank canvas wqe are looking for.

i thin it could be easier to shoot in as its a bit bigger than matts room.

Hae a look at the pics and see what you think....
